Moving into senior living can be a stressful time in your life, especially if you’ve never had to do something like this before. Much like moving into your first dorm room at college or into your first apartment, this is completely new and uncharted territory and a different life experience than you’ve ever had before. This doesn’t mean it has to be a bad experience, though!

Knowing a little bit about what you’re getting into when you move into senior living in Canton, MI, can help to ease that stress a little. When you’re ready to move in, here are some tips to keep in mind for when you go:


1. Get out and get involved

Moving into senior living might feel like the end of an era, but in reality, it’s just the beginning of a new one! When you move into a senior living community, it’s just that: a community. You’ll have people from all over the area, maybe even all over the country, just feet away from your front door. However, you’ll never get to know your neighbors if you don’t get out and get involved with everyone!

Places like Kingsley senior living in Canton, MI, have activities and programs for residents to attend where they can get to know one another. Many senior centers also offer classes like cooking or dance classes that can help you get up and moving and still interact with the other seniors in the center. 

Connecting with your neighbors is a wonderful way to discover shared interests, try new things, and make new friends. 


2. Hold on tight to your furry friend

Not all senior living centers are pet friendly, so before you make any plans to head into senior living with a furry friend, be sure to do your research. That being said, having a four-legged friend when you go into senior living can be a game changer. Having a pet can reduce your feelings of loneliness and anxiety because you’ve got a best friend with you at all times. Plus, having a pet like a dog encourages you to get out and active during the day to go on walks, head out for potty breaks, and help your friend get some exercise. 

Additionally, having a pet makes for a great conversation starter. There aren’t many people who don’t like pets, and sharing your furry friend with your neighbors is a fast way to make new friends. 

Kingsley senior living in Canton, MI is proud to be a senior center that allows our residents to have pets. We know how important animal companionship can be, and allowing our residents to keep their furry friends is an amazing feeling. 

A smiling senior woman drinks tea and pets her cat

3. Make friends with the staff

When you move into senior living, you aren’t only going to be interacting with your neighbors and the other seniors. You’re also going to be spending quite a bit of time interacting with the staff. You’ll spend time with them almost daily, just as much – if not more so – than the other residents themselves. Take the time out of your day to get to know them a little. You’re sure to have interesting conversations with them, and making a personal connection can only benefit you both in the long run!


4. Practice “neighborly” habits

When you’re living in a shared space, you have to remember that you’re not the only person living in your area. This might be hard to adjust to after living in a single family home for many years, but it’s something you should be willing to work on in order to maintain a happy and healthy relationship with your neighbors. 

For example, if you have any kind of shared spaces like a television room or a kitchen, alway be sure to clean up after yourself. Don’t leave a mess behind for other residents to have to deal with. Also, don’t hog all of the shared space time, because there might be someone who has been patiently waiting to use those spaces and simply hasn’t been able to. 

Something that many people forget is that you need to monitor your noise levels. Whether you’re watching TV or have your dog barking, trying to mitigate the noise is important when you’re in a shared area. You never know what kind of schedule your neighbors might be on or what they may be dealing with, and noise certainly isn’t going to help!

If you practice good neighborly habits, your neighbors will be thankful. A little courtesy can go a long way!


5. Be part of the welcome wagon

One of the worst feelings imaginable is when you’re in a new space and you feel unwelcome. Not being able to make a connection with anyone – no matter how small – is a surefire way to make people feel uncomfortable for the rest of their stay. After all, would you want to interact with neighbors and other residents who didn’t make you feel like you belonged?

This is why it’s so important for you to make the effort to reach out to new residents. Be part of the “welcome wagon.” Offer to show new residents the ropes of the center, like what classes to attend and where they are, where the best snacks are kept, or what fun activities there are to do. Offer to sit with them during meals and other dining options. Even just a little bit of friendliness can go a long way, and it’s also great for you to be able to make a new friend!


The Best Senior Living in Canton, MI

Here at Kingsley senior living in Canton, MI, we want to make sure that all of our residents feel warm and welcome. We understand how difficult it can be to make such a massive life transition, and we want to help make that transition as easy as possible for our residents. 

If you’re interested in taking the plunge into senior living with Kingsley, contact us and schedule a tour today!